Orin: The Sacred Transmuting Flame
歐林,以及所有的光之靈,問候大家。為了預備更大的能量轉化,現在請把你的焦點對準一位偉大的大師,一位掌管轉化能量的悟道存有─他的能量能夠將能量在不同形式間轉換。這位高靈送出一道光給你們每個人,它會加強你轉化能量的能力,把能量從一個狀態帶進另一個狀態。 許多光之靈加入你們,維持空間的開啟。這些存有們一起運作第七道光,那個即將來臨的光,煉金術之光,轉化之光,實現之光,形式中的光。 現在我們呼請那個力量、那光、那能量,我和所有的光之靈,和你的指導靈一起,為你向上打開一個空間,去經驗轉化的神聖火焰,那是神的一個面向,一個部分,或是神本身,端賴你的觀點而定。 感覺眼前有一道活的意識,它以神聖火焰的形式出現。有些人看起來它是無比高大、巨大。開始進入火焰的共振中。它有知覺,它是活的。當你與它共振,開始移進火焰之中,好像你站入火焰的中心,變成火焰的一部分,這個轉化的神聖火焰,它把你由一個能量帶到另一個能量。 儘一切可能去觀察它,把註意力放在讓它進入你的頭腦,你的心智體,開始燃燒所有限制性的、囚錮的信念,以及那些無法反應光的真相,卻將你陷於較低振動的想法和概念。讓這個轉化的火焰開始燒盡那些認為你不完美的想法,不正確的投射,與對實相的扭曲。 當這工作完成,很多想法可能會因為被燃燒而浮現。讓它們離開,知道它們的離去是完美的。所有來自今生與過去世的不完美的思想形式,那些來自較低光層次的想法,一切阻擋真相的光,阻礙美麗的光,以及阻礙光靠近你的想法和觀點,讓它們燃燒殆盡。確認你已經準備讓它們離開,允許轉化之火解脫它們對你的羈絆。 當它發生時,你感覺像是太陽,它的光,開始在你的頭腦綻放光芒,一道初昇的太陽,希望之光,未來之光,嶄新之光。 如果你準備好了,要求任何曾經是幻象、誤解的想法,那些讓你停留在較低習性的一切,要求它們被火焰化為烏有,讓你能看見那個必須在你的生活之中出現的新模式。 現在,讓這股常被稱為紫色火焰的轉化火焰,神聖之火,穿透你的情緒體,移去所有的懷疑、恐懼、不安、欲望,移去所有情緒體中如同迷霧一般,遮擋了你的光的較低能量。讓這個神聖火焰燒穿這團迷霧,讓白日的光輝照透你。燒去無助或無望的感受,燒去所有憤怒,燒去任何讓你退卻的情緒。 將神聖的轉化火焰帶進你的乙太體,那是形成你的物質實相的藍圖,記載你累世所有體驗的光網。讓這個火焰燒透這個光網,抹去所有失敗與不合的記憶。讓它燒去所有疾病、限制與崩解的印記。 這個火焰無比強力。沒有它無法轉化的能量、記憶、感覺和想法。 讓這個轉化火焰進入你的身體,進入每一個細胞,彷彿神的呼吸進入了你身體的每一個細胞,帶進了神的活力、生命,彷彿這神聖之火在你的每個細胞點燃,燒去所有不完美。 彷彿你開始變得透明─那個你,你的人格自我和你,正變為那神聖火焰,那個無限全能,全然力量與全然的愛的火焰。 你與神聖火焰共振,你們之間沒有阻礙。讓它穿透你的四個低層的身體,肉體、情緒體、心智體、和乙太體,繼續去燒盡、銷熔你此生或過去世所有的不完美,一切造成負面影響的成因。 你的上師與你一起,他是在這轉化能量中幫助你的光之靈。當阻擋你的一切都消失,看看你是否能變為這道神聖火焰。 從這個狀態,讓你的意識變得完全平靜,越來越安靜,直到你進入一種止息的狀態,沒有想法、沒有感覺。接下來你會離開這個狀態,但你會再次進入。你的神聖自我會把你帶回它自己,進入這個靜止狀態,一個時間與時間的間隙。 當你離開這個空間,新的想法會形成,美的想法,允許你看見全生命和自己神性的想法,希望的想法,清明並反射實相的想法,那些告訴你你是誰的真理,你內在的美與光,通透光明的想法。 感覺你的神聖自我,透過共振,讓你接觸新的想法,打開新道路,進入新未來、新形式、新生活的想法,拒絕與駁斥一切有限、限制、無關真相的想法的想法。一切想法來自神聖自我,指示你如何進入開悟之境,以及明白你已然開悟。這些想法現在你也許還不明白,然而你正在快速地領會它。 現在回到這個全然寧靜的狀態。讓你的神聖自我將你吸入。 當你離開時,你會有新的情緒被激發:信任宇宙的情緒、明白你總是擁有需要的一切,在生活中感到喜悅、擴張和空間感的感受。進入神聖自我,離開時帶著更多喜悅、更多寧靜、更多和諧。 讓你自己被吸引回到寂靜的狀態,片刻就好,進入神聖自我,沒有思維,不需要做什麼,在就好。 當你離開時,新的乙太結構將在你周圍形成,新的,能含納神聖自我的光輝,能維持所有身體完美─各層次身體的安好、美麗、與和諧─光做的身體被創造。較低的能量、實體、元素與光氣,被靈性太陽的光生命所取代,你的乙太體被巨量的光所激發,從那裡,肉體的美麗開始散發,因為肉體無法不反映心智、身體和乙太體的光。 如此,感覺你以一種新的方式被重新組合,協調了更高的光能,彷彿太陽上昇,新階段的光明,實相之光,神性之光,正進入你的生活。感覺你和這個光的共振。你的能量如此穩定,如此和諧,如此清晰,你在更高的光的共振中。 保持這個共振,把註意力放在生活中想要獲得轉化的地方。你需要的只是停留在這個狀態,神聖火焰,你的神聖自我,與更高光能的共振,然後簡單地想著這個目標,直到它融入這空間的共振,直到這個區域留下的只有美麗、光與真實。 在光中會出現一個新的生活領域,一個尚未成形的領域,你的未來,保持這個美麗的能量圖像。當你維持這個狀態,你的心思單純,情緒清澈,你已經轉化了許多你投射實相的濾器,未來實現的一切將與你的神聖自我諧調一致。 讓這個神聖火焰轉化每件事,轉化你內在所有層次的能量,任何可能扭曲你體驗這個新的生活新領域的能量,任何過去的記憶,任何失敗的感受,任何恐懼,讓它將這一切帶走,直到你能帶著自信、力量、美麗和信任的光,帶著對於你是誰的認識,面對這個未來的榮景。 當這個新生活出現,看著它帶著美麗、精確的能量開展。你將在每一刻被引導到將它創造成形的道路。你不需要知道它以什麼形式、何時或是如何出現。它將與你創造它的這個狀態共振。 現在,保持這個美麗的空間,這個神聖的空間和神聖火焰,讓我們將整個世界納入這個轉化的神聖火焰中,請求人類世界能被釋放的一切都被釋放,一切思想,一切情緒,一切業力和古老的印記。 讓我們一起保持這個神聖的轉化火焰,這一把火,想像我們圍繞整個世界,並且看見太陽上升的光,嶄新的光,照耀人類世界,帶來新的想法、新的感覺、與全新的觀點。這光明將為全人類而來,彷彿每個人都從深深的睡眠中甦醒,迷霧與遮蔽消溶,而實相的光明照耀。 很好。祝福各位擁有美好的一天。 | Orin: Greetings from Orin and all the beings of light. In preparation for a great transmutation of energy, focus now upon a great Master, an Enlightened One who holds the energy of transmutation, of bringing energy from one form into another. This being is sending a ray of light to each one of you that will enhance your ability to transform energy, to take it from one state into another. Many other beings of light are joining, holding open a space. All of these beings are working with the seventh ray, the incoming ray, the ray of alchemy, of transmutation, the ray of manifestation, of light into form. We are calling now upon the power and the light and energy, I and all the beings of light with your guides, to open up a space for you to have an experience of the transmuting sacred flame; an aspect, a part of, or God itself, depending on your perspective. So sense in front of you a living consciousness in the form of a sacred flame. Some see it as very tall, very enormous. Begin to fall into resonance with this flame. It is aware, alive. As you fall into resonance with this, begin to move into this flame, as if you are standing in the center of it, as if you are becoming this flame, this sacred fire of transmutation, of taking you from one energy state into another. Find whatever you can of this, and with your intention let it begin to come into your mind, your mental body, and begin to burn away all limiting, imprisoning thoughts and mental concepts that do not reflect to you the light of the real, but instead keep you trapped or stuck in a lesser vibration. Let this transmuting flame begin to burn away all that says you are not perfect, all thoughts that are inaccurate reflections, distortions of reality. As this work is done, thoughts may come up as they are being burned away. Just let them go, and know that this is perfect. All the imperfect thought forms from this and from other lifetimes, understandings that came from a lesser level of light, all the thought forms that have blocked the light of the real, the light of the beautiful, that have blocked the light from reaching you, let these be burned away. Just affirm that you are ready to let them go, and give permission to this transmuting fire to release their hold over you. As this happens it is as if the sun, the light, is beginning to burst forth in your inner mind, the rising sun of the east, the light of hope, of the future, of the new. If you are ready, ask that anything, any thought that has been an illusion, a misperception, that has kept you in a lesser pattern, ask that it be burned away so that you may see the new pattern that needs to emerge in your life. And now let this violet flame that it is often called, this transmuting flame, the sacred fire, come through your emotional body, removing the doubts, the fears, the insecurities, the desires, all the lesser energies in your emotional body that stand like a fog between you and the light. Let this sacred fire burn through this fog so that the light of day may shine through you. Burning through the sense of helplessness or hopelessness, burning through the anger, burning through any emotions that have held you back. And bring this into your etheric body, that blueprint that forms the physical, that records all the lifetimes of experiences, a web of light. Let this flame burn through this web of light, erasing all memories of failure, of discordance. Let it burn through all patterns of disease, limitations, or disintegration. This flame is all-powerful. There is no energy it cannot transmute, no memory, no feeling, no thought. Let this flame of transmutation come into your physical body, into every cell, as if the breath of God has come into every cell in your body, bringing with it vitality, life, as if the sacred fire is being lit in every cell in your body, burning away all imperfection. It is as if you are becoming transparent-the you, the personality self-and you are becoming the sacred fire, this fire that is omnipotent, all-powerful, and all-loving. You are resonating with this flame, and there is nothing that is standing in its way. Let it move through all four of your lower bodies now, continuing to burn away, to dissolve, all imperfection from this and any lifetime, all causes that might result in negative effects. You have a Master who is working with you. The beings of light are sponsoring you in this transmutation of energy. As all that stands in the way is dissolved, see if you can become this sacred fire. And from this state, allow your consciousness to become completely peaceful, growing quieter and quieter, until you come to a state of rest; no thought, no feeling. And you will come out of this state, but you will go back in. Your Divine Self will bring you back into itself, into this state of rest, a moment in between time. And as you come out of this space, new thoughts are forming; thoughts of beauty, thoughts that allow you to see the divine in all life and in yourself, thoughts of hope, thoughts that are clear and reflect reality, that tell you the truth of who you are, the beauty and the light within you, illumined thoughts. Feel your Divine Self, through resonance, putting you in touch with new thoughts that open the way to the new future, the new forms, the new life ahead; thoughts that refuse and reject all thoughts of limitation, all limiting, every thought that does not show you the real. All the thoughts that are coming out of this Divine Self, thoughts that show you how to reach enlightenment, that you are already enlightened, you just have not realized it yet, but you are rapidly doing so. And go back in now to this state of complete peace. Let your Divine Self draw you in. And as you come out, new emotions are being stimulated; emotions of trust in the universe, knowing that you always have everything you need when it you need it, feelings of joy, of expansiveness, of spaciousness in your life. Going into the Divine Self, coming out with more joy, more peace, more harmony. And letting yourself be drawn back into this state of silence, just for a moment, into the Divine Self, no thought, no need to do anything, just be. And as you come out, a new etheric structure being created around you, a new body of light that can hold the radiance of the Divine Self, that can hold the perfection of well being, beauty, harmony in all of the bodies, the lesser energies and entities, elementals and devas, being replaced with this solar lives of light, the etheric body being stimulated with great light. And out of that, the beauty of the physical, for it cannot help but reflect the light of the mind, body, and the etheric. So feel yourself coming together in a new way, a new alignment with a higher light, as if the sun is rising and a new level of illumination is coming into your life, the light of the real, the divine. And feel your resonance with this light. Your energy is so stable, so harmonious, so clear, that you are in resonance with this higher light. And holding this resonance, turn to an area of your life that you would like to transform. And all you need do is stay in this state, the sacred flame, the Divine Self, the resonance with this higher light, and just hold this area until it comes into resonance with this space. Until all that is left of this area is beauty, and light, and the real. In this light turn to a new area of your life, one that has not yet taken form; the future, and just hold this pattern of beauty. As you hold this state where your thoughts are pure, your emotions are clear, and you have transmuted much of the filters that you would project onto reality, what will manifest will be in harmony with this state of your Divine Self. Let this sacred fire transmute anything, any energy within you at any level that might distort what you experience in this new area of your life, any memories of the past, any sense of failure, any fear, let it take this away until you are facing this future situation with the light of confidence, of power, of beauty, of trust, of a knowingness of who you are. As this new area comes about, see it happening with beautiful, precise energy. You are guided in every moment how to create it and bring it into form. And you do not need to know what that form will be, or when, or how it will come about. It will be in resonance with this state that you are creating it from. And now take this beautiful space, this sacred space, and the sacred flame, and let us hold the world in this transmuting, sacred fire, and ask that all that can be released from humanity be released; all the thought forms, all the emotions, all the karma and the ancient patterns. Let us hold together this sacred transmuting flame, this fire, as if we are encircling the world, and seeing the light of the rising sun, the light of the new, dawning on humanity;-new thoughts, new feelings, fresh perspectives. The light is coming up for humanity, as if everyone is starting to wake up from a deep sleep, the mists and fogs are leaving and the light of the real is dawning. All right. I bid you good day for now. |
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